Original Prusa MK4: 1-Year Anniversary Gifts! FREE iFixit Mako Driver Kit & Limited Edition PEI Sheet

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More sustainable materials

We aim to make 3D printing more sustainable while maintaining our first class quality. We focus on two areas: recycled materials and refill filaments.

In this category, you can find a selection of both high-quality and more eco-friendly products developed with our sustainability strategy in mind. From recycled materials to unique natural pigments made from food waste, to Refill packs that you can use with the same set of plastic spool sides repeatedly. Unleash your creativity while reducing your carbon footprint!

Find the nearest point to recycle your 3D printing waste at world.prusa3d.com

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Are you considering buying any of our products? Do you have questions about their technical parameters, prices or optional accessories? Feel free to contact us, we're happy to help.

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